Justin Code

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Justin's Avatar Justin Hsu

Top Languages

Research Assistant at Academia Sinica

Software Engineer PT at ChainSea

Course Lecturer at Google DSC

Founder, Freelancer at Justin Code

BSc in Math Sciences from NCCU

  1. Email: [email protected]
  2. GitHub: JustinHsu1019
  3. LinkedIn: JustinHsu101999
  4. Instagram: @Justin.Hsu.99

Areas of Expertise

  1. Total Development Experience: 6 years (3 years of foundational learning, 1 year in algorithm and information security (CTF) competitions, and 2 years in software project development).
  2. Experienced in model training and deployment, generative AI, and open-source Large Language Model domains.
  3. Familiar languages and frameworks (Backend: Python, PHP, Java & Frontend: HTML, CSS, jQuery). Proficient in database management, planning, and development, especially proficient in relational databases using SQL and vector databases.
  4. Passionate about server penetration and defense (packet sniffing, SQL injection, XSS injection, etc.), proficient in cryptography (RSA, Caesar cipher, continued fraction encryption, etc.), and an avid participant in CTF information security competitions, specializing in Web, Crypto, and Misc.

My Web APPs

  1. Tool: Online Judge | Source Code
  2. Game: Clash Royale | Source Code
  3. Tool: White Board | Source Code
  4. Tool: Mimic Styler | Source Code
  5. Tool: Search Engine | Source Code

Project Experience

  1. Taiwan Power: Intelligent Robot Optimization Project
  2. Academia Sinica: AI Chess-like Board Games
  3. L'Oréal (Assisting Outsourced Customer Service for L'Oréal): Product Recommendation System, AI Recording Quality Inspection System
  4. ChainSea: AI Trainer System, LLaMA Training and Deployment Research, Intelligent Q&A System for Customer Service Knowledge Base
  5. Aile.Cloud: Intelligent Integration Work
  6. NCCUPass APP (Leading the development of AI assistant AllPass)